Limitations =========== Although ``RaNNCModel`` is designed to work in the manner of ``torch.nn.Module``, it has the following limitations. Control constructs ------------------ RaNNC uses a computation graph produced by PyTorch's `tracing function `_. As explained in PyTorch's documentation, the tracing function does not record control constructs, including conditional branches and loops. However, a function with ``@torch.jit.script`` can preserve control constructs even after tracing. You can call such a function from your model. ``test_function()`` in ``test/`` shows an example using a function with ``@torch.jit.script``. Arguments and return values --------------------------- Arguments and outputs of ``RaNNCModel`` must satisfy the following conditions. - Arguments must be (mini-)batches tensors, whose first dimension corresponds to samples in a mini-batch. - Keyword arguments are not allowed. - Outputs must be (mini-)batches tensors or a loss value (scalar tensor).